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Y. Lu, J. Huang, Y-T Chen, B. Heisele. Monocular Localization in Urban Environments using Road Markings. In: IV 2017


V. Karasev, A. Ayvaci, B. Heisele, and S. Soatto. Intent-Aware Long-Term Prediction of Pedestrian Motion. In: ICRA, 2016.

A. Gepperth, M Garcia Oritz, E Sattarov and B Heisele. Dynamic attention priors: a new and efficient concept for improving object detection.
In: Neurocomputing, 2016.


K. C. Chan, A. Ayvaci and B. Heisele. Partially Occluded Object Detection by Finding
the Visible Features and Parts. In: International Conference on Image Processing
(ICIP), 2015, Best Paper Award.


A. Gepperth, E. Sattarov, B. Heisele, and S. Rodrigues Flores. Robust visual pedestrian
detection by tight coupling to tracking. In: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2014.


M. Ortiz, A. Gepperth, and B. Heisele. Real-time pedestrian detection and
pose classification on a GPU. In: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2013


B. Heisele, G. Kim, A. J. Meyer. Object Recognition with 3D Models.
British Machine Vision Conference, 2009.


B. Heisele, C. Rocha. Local Shape Features for Object Recognition.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Tampa, 2008.


B. Heisele, T. Serre and T. Poggio. A Component-based Framework for Face Detection and Identification
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), December 2006 (online version).

J. Skelley, R. Fischer, A. Sarma, and B. Heisele. Recognizing Expressions in a New Database Containing Played and Natural Expressions.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, 2006.

B. Heisele, I. Riskov and  C. Morgenstern. Components for Object Detection and Identification.
J. Ponce, M. Herbert, C. Schmid, and A. Zisserman (Eds.), Toward Category-Level Object Recognition, Springer, 225-237, 2006.


B. Heisele and V. Blanz. Morphable models for training a component-based face recognition system
In Face Processing, Advanced Modeling and Methods, W. Zhao and R. Chellapa (Eds.), Elsevier, 439-462, 2006.  

B. Heisele, T. Serre, S. Prentice, T. Poggio. Hierarchical Classification and Feature Reduction for Fast Face Detection.
In Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision, 3rd Edition. 481-495,  2005.  


B. Weyrauch, J. Huang, B. Heisele, and V. Blanz. Component-based Face Recognition with 3D Morphable Models.
First IEEE Workshop on Face Processing in Video, Washington, D.C. ,  2004.

B. Heisele and T. Koshizen. Components for Face Recognition.
Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Seoul, Korea , 153-158, 2004.

Y. Ivanov, B. Heisele, and T. Serre. Using Component Features for Face Recognition.
Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition, Seoul, Korea , 421-426, 2004.


C. Morgenstern, and B. Heisele. Component-based Recognition of Objects in an Office Environment
CBCL Paper #232/AI Memo #2003-024, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, November 2003.

J. Huang, B. Heisele, V. Blanz. Component-based Face Recognition with 3D Morphable Models.
4th Conference on Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authetication (AVBPA), 2003.

B. Heisele. Visual Object Recognition with Supervised Learning.
IEEE Intelligent System, AI's Second Century, May/June, 38-42, 2003.

B. Heisele, T. Serre, S. Prentice, and T. Poggio. Hierarchical Classification and Feature Reduction for Fast Face Detection with Support Vector Machines.
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 36, No. 9, 2007-2017, 2003.

B. Heisele, P. Ho, J. Wu, and T.Poggio. Face Recognition: Comparing Component-based and Global Approaches.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 91, No. 1/2, 6-21, 2003.

C. Nakajima, M. Pontil, B. Heisele, and T. Poggio. Full-Body Person Recognition System.
Pattern Recognition, 36, 1997-2006, 2003.

S. M. Bileschi, and B. Heisele. Advances in Component Based Face Detection.
IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG 2003, Nice France), 149-156, 2003.


B. Heisele, A. Verri and T. Poggio. Learning and Vision Machines.
Proceedings of the IEEE, Visual Perception: Technology and Tools, Vol. 90, No. 7, 1164-1177, 2002.

S. Bileschi and B. Heisele. Advances in Component-based Face Detection.
Proceedings of Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines, First International Workshop, SVM 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer LNCS 2388, 135-143, 2002.

B. Heisele, T. Serre, M. Pontil, T. Vetter and T. Poggio. Categorization by Learning and Combining Object Parts.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14, Vancouver, Canada , Vol. 2, 1239-1245, 2002.

J. Huang, V. Blanz, and B. Heisele. Face Recognition Using Component-Based SVM Classification and Morphable Models.
Proceedings of Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines, First International Workshop, SVM 2002, Niagara Falls, Canada,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer 2388, 334-341, 2002.

E. Weinstein, P. Ho, B. Heisele, T. Poggio, K. Steele and A. Agarwal. Handheld Face Identification Technology in a Pervasive Computing Environment.
Proceedings of Pervasive 2002, Zurich, Switzerland , August 26-28, 48-54, 2002.


B. Heisele, P. Ho and T. Poggio. Face Recognition with Support Vector Machines: Global Versus Component-based Approach,
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'01), Vancouver, Canada, Vol. 2, 688-694, 2001.

B. Heisele, T. Serre, M. Pontil and T. Poggio. Component-based Face Detection.
Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2001), Kauai, Hawaii, Vol. 1, 657-662, December 2001.

B. Heisele, T. Serre, S. Mukherjee and T. Poggio. Feature Reduction and Hierarchy of Classifiers for Fast Object Detection in Video Images.
Proceedings of 2001 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2001),  Kauai, Hawaii, Vol. 2, 18-24, December 2001.


B. Heisele, T. Poggio and M. Pontil. Face Detection in Still Gray Images.
CBCL Paper #187/AI Memo #1687, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA , June 2000.

C. Campbell, T. Evgeniou, B. Heisele, and M. Pontil. Machine Learning Strategies for Complex Tasks.
Proceedings of First IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Springer Verlag, Cambridge , 2000.

C. Nakajima, M. Pontil, B. Heisele and T. Poggio. People Recognition in Image Sequences by Supervised Learning.
CBCL Paper #188/AI Memo #1688, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA , June 2000.

T. Serre, B. Heisele, S. Mukherjee and T. Poggio. Feature Selection for Face Detection.
CBCL Paper #192/AI Memo #1697, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA , September 2000.

B. Heisele. Motion-based Object Detection and Tracking in Color Image Sequences.
Fourth Asian Conference on Computer Vision, pages 1028-1033, Taipei , 2000.

before 2000

B. Heisele and W. Ritter. Segmentation of Range and Intensity Image Sequences.
IEEE International Conference on Information Intelligence and Systems, Washington , 1999.

B. Heisele. Objektdetektion in Strassenverkehrsszenen durch Auswertung von Farbbildfolgen.
PhD Thesis, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, VDI Verlag, ISBN 3-18-356710-5, Duessedorf, 1998.

B. Heisele and C. Woehler. Motion-based Recognition of Pedestrians.
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Brisbane , 1998.

B. Heisele, U. Kressel, and W. Ritter. Tracking Non-rigid, Moving Objects based on Color Cluster Flow.
Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pages 253-257, San Juan , 1997.

B. Heisele, H. Neef, W. Ritter, R. Schneider, and G. Wanielik. Object Detection in Traffic Scenes by a Colour Video and Radar Data  Fusion Approach.
Proc. First Australian Data Fusion Symposium, pages 48-52, Adelaide , 1996.

B. Heisele and W. Ritter. Obstacle Detection based on Color Blob Flow.
Proc. Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 282-286, Detroit , 1995.